


lifes1 is the new generation of social network android app.it has many interesting features.
lifes1.com has exciting, easy-to-use features for authentic connecting with friends, family, and common interest groups, including: dedicated newsfeeds for close friends versus all contacts; private and open groups; fan and business pages; great chat features for both 1:1 and group chats; disappearing content; fun custom camera with cool tricks and GIF creation; live voice and live video for around the world connections; next-gen voice messaging; personal social cloud; custom member profiles for every group; and more.


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everything in lifes1.com is unlimited so with our network you can have .
unlimited Firends
unlimited Pages
unlimited Groups
unlimited Events
unlimited Blogs
unlimited Marketplace
unlimited Offers
unlimited Jobs
unlimited Forums
unlimited Movies
unlimited Games


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lifes1.com members enjoy can have live stream for free . send voice messages,
, documents, sounds , Live Video , Upload Photos, Create Albums,send Voice Notes,
Write Articles, Sell or buy Somethings, Create Polls,

lifes1.com is translated into 13 languages English , Arabic, French,Spanish,Portuguese,Deutsch,
Turkish,Dutch,Italiano,Russian,Romaian,Portuguese (Brazil),Greek.other world languages will be added.

lifes1.com members enjoy total control over what they share along with full ownership of their content and data. The next-gen social networking platform has no facial recognition, and no newsfeed or content manipulation common on other social media platforms. lifes1.com members see every post, chat, comment, made by individuals, pages and groups they are connected with, in true timeline order.

lifes1.com members can enjoy unlimited games play for free. we have the largest database games
in all categories for free play alone or with your friends.


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lifes1.com members own their data and enjoy the protection of lifes1.com ’s Privacy and Rights.

lifes1.com is the social network for everyone who wants to have fun, communicate authentically and share like minded & disparate ideas under the umbrella of trust, control, and safety.


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